Young Republicans Speak Out

Ah These New Democrats
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
I sent a right-wing leaning friend of mine an article questioning whether g.bush's emotional "health" (lack of empathy, appropriate remorse, sincerity, humility... etc.) and he barked back a terse and biting rebuff about preferring someone who can "think" to someone who can "feel" when it comes to the leader of his country.
His "either or" viewpoint reminds me of another propaganda ("clear") channel that claims to be "Fair and Balanced" but,....dont make me go THERE pleeeease!
Hmm....Anyway, with over 130 million adult americans potentially available for consideration for the office of President would it be too much to ask for the candidates to be required to posses both the HIGHEST levels of academic qualification AND if not the same degree of proven emotional well-being at least not be taking psychotropic pharmaceuticals for emotional imbalance?
Absolutely. One gets the feeling our only choice were two people who happened to somefellow from a group in an elevator somewhere. Even in an elevator, there's gotta be someone better.
Karlo, member of the Progressive Blog Alliance
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