Thursday, August 25, 2005

(on the count of three) Fear No More!

(on the count of three) Fear No More!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

"Where/whenever the 'other' appears, fear arises."

Illusions of separation, separateness, difference, "otherness" are

making a tragedy of this magical life.

Let's declare it over.

Done. it a draw, a tie, "even-steven"....whatever.

Hell, claim your "side" won for all i care.

We all,.....ALL need to disarm.

Inside. Outside.

Take the rest of eternity off.

Just tack up a note on the old rusted door to the failure that has been

most of human history.

...a note like "world-wide illusion of critical

human/gender/cultural/religious/ideological differences (and related

projections, defenses and fighting, etc) cancelled due to bad weather"

(or "....cancelled due to no justification for same!" or "...cancelled

due to lack of interest." or..."....cancelled cause we noticed that

even frogs were having more fun." or etc.)

What else?!

"But who first?" they ask.

"You!" Life answers,

...and in a flash and flush of warm descending bliss

a trans-dimensional collage of saints and sages of all ages

overwhelming your head, flooding your heart

...reminding you that yours would certainly NOT be the first gun laid

down, first heart reopened, first Self RE-cognized

How long will you/we wait?

....must it get so much worse before it gets better?

for you? for us all??

Wouldn't you enjoy writing this chapter of your life story penning

yours the hero's way?

...the chapter in which you took your stand in the genius

and transformational amnesty

of a new kind of brave peace and liberating surrender?!

The kindest among us now

and all those who've awakened before us

have already braved this inevitable surrender

...of egoic identity, motivation and destiny

Their sacrifice (only of illusion)

Their loss (only of separation)

...but their victory (of Self over selves) is our





...saying "do it!" "....wake up now!"

They stand there (HERE) in the Heart of hearts

always calling us up and out

always inspiring us down and in

...into the loving light

and fearless forever

of eternal day

So let's FEAR LESS

and let's LOVE MORE

Let's dare this ecstasy

...even if only a bit more each day

...and even/especially now

...and Now

....and NOW!


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