The Felt Presence of Immediate Experience.

The Felt Presence of Immediate Experience.
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Earth-Life Report: wednesday 0:22, november 2nd.
It a closed or open spiral, this highest vision of eternal life?
A closed spiral would be as experientially eternal as say an
infinitely rising orbit.
As what, around what??
....or what onto what??
Transcend AND include.....transcend and include....transcend and
Around, around and on and on and ...... ON? (or Back Around)?
Ah, such a gift to be possessed by the passionate, loving, wondering,
awe of mere being.
Is the samadhi of gratitude's purple bliss an im- or ex-plosion for
you? You know, the way that feeling so filled with gratefulness for
being overwhelmed by gratatude just seems to be bliss setting its own
fire aflame.
Chai or beer?...Chai or beer??....Chai or beer?....
ur icq #.. please..
y or n
Ksu :o)r k`s U
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