Home away from Om... (a plant rant)

I live here.
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
I grant no human being the right, power, or authority to determine, define or in anyway control or legislate my relationships to organic nature.
Those who historically and currently presume to (and activly) do so stand in opposition to a most basic human right of yours and mine.
Any opposition to this most basic right is a confession of both catastrophic ignorance and tragic estrangement (from the life-matrix in which all is arising, sustained and in due course sacrificed back into).
Note: those that oppose this basic human rights are, in fact, almost completely male home-sapiens and almost exclusively monotheists who find permission, justification, blessing even, from their, also (surprise, surprise) masculine, so-called "gods" to sublimate, commodify or kill nature, or the feminine, wherever their fear, greed or ignorance so moves. Further, almost all focused support for the negitive codification (or classifying as "illegal") of nature is driven by one of two motives: the motive to profit (i.e. pharmaceutical -vs- "herbal medicine", petrochemical industries -vs- hemp) or the motive to congnitive(mind/emotion) control (i.e. entheogenic plants, fungi, etc. which awaken/deepen perceptual/cognitive capacity, dissolve conceptual/cultural boundaries, etc. -vs- cultural/political/religious/economic propaganda).
This is YOUR life.
This is YOUR earth.
How you explore the mystery of everything "outer" is YOUR sacred exoteric adventure and basic human right.
How you explore the mystery of everything "inner" is YOUR sacred esoteric adventure and basic human right.
As long as you do no harm to others in the adventure of your explorations, both inner and outer, you have the right to do so without question or conflict with the artifice of any other human's judgment, dissension or supposition of superior authority.
The same MEN who divided up your outer world, seek to also divide up your inner world.
If you feel, in ANY WAY, not at home in their "brave new world" return to the magic and wonder of nature and your prior intimacy with Her.
You are not a commodity.
You are not a vote.
You are not a Government ID number.
You are not a tax payer.
You are not a world health statistic.
You are not a TV radiation receptacle.
You are not who your parents defined you as.
You are not who your schools educated you to be.
You are part of a great wondrous Mystery which is alive, bright, mult-dimentional, evolving, passionate, creative, free, .....and in every way alive....in every way calling you home.
May you, exactly YOU personally, for all of our sake, be deeply merged with and empowered by the organic Earth matrix by Who's Grace our very life, this very moment and your ever brighter next possible insight, opening, awakening is given to be.
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