Tru Friends

Tru Friends
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
If its true for you to that we need to "make friends" with our enemies or challenges in life as much as we value our easy relations...., that we must learn to love and make good use of our break-downs to get to the break-throughs we have been longing for, then it is also true that there is an entirely different category of connections too.
You know what I mean: there are these rare friends who are, in there merely simple and loving presence, such a gift of goodness, clarity, humor...etc. that you feel surly the word "angel" has now found a more personal meaning for you.
I have been blessed with the appearance of many such brothers over the course of this Earthly round. Today my men's tribe is where I'm drawing a lot of strength and for whom I'm feeling so much gratitude... saleem, aaron, nashon, lee, pat, michael, cas, ryan, henk....(and the list of sisters is even longer).
Stranger still is how, no matter how (or how much) we feel we fall short of the goodness we would like to more fully embody and be for all others, we are, foibles included, sometimes blessed to be just such "angles" (or True Friends, as I prefer) for others. What a gift when we are allowed the blessing of just no reactivity with another....when we feel so easy and accepting of them and in our peace, silence, loving of them they feel so much relaxation and permission to .....well, to simply be.
Can this be cultivated? Can this be an ideal towards which all relations can evolve?
Let it be so.
All gratitude and celebration of all of our true friends!
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