Divine Recluse

Divine Recluse
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
I have this friend, Barth, back in my home state of MN. This dude's just got to be one of the sweetest guys i have ever had the pleasure of hanging out with. We go pretty far back too.
We studied German together at the U of M one summer session and Barth took me up on my invite to come crash-in when i had gotten my new scene set-up in the Black Forest of southern Germany.
We'd go sometimes over a year without even a word and then connect and discover that we'd both been living just an island away in Hawaii. Just strange stuff like that. No matter the time that had lapsed since our last time hanging-out we'd connect like neighbors,....no, brothers!
He has an awesome head on his shoulders and blows my mind with each new landscaping adventure he hungrily dives into each new summer.
My friend found himself a wonderful partner and they just had a kid.....wow. What an adventure.
Don't know when I'll get back home again but I sure look forward, after spending time with family, to giving my "old" buddy a call, hearing "Daaaaave,...wow, man....c'mon over!", and taking our time swapping stories and catching up.
Here's to you brother!
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