
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
My senses discovered the infinite in everything one foggy autumn evening in rural Minnesota over a quarter century ago, and then among the Banyan monkied coastline forest of timeless Goa, and sometime later still in Hawaii, as the lustral beams of moonlight danced over the steep cliffs of Hale Akua; then later still, spirited away at the feet of most loving brave company, to the soothing melody of Saleem's giggling icaro, and the dry rustling rhythm of Bolinus' endless breeze.
For I, like so many and yet far too few, have been privileged to be initiated into the sacred realm of the entheogens, sacramental plant teachers of countless generations of the family of humankind; have been vouchsafed a fleeting glimpse behind Our Lady Gaia's veil; have imbibed the amrta of Indra, the ambrosia of the Olympian gods, Demeter's potion; have for brief blessed instants gazed into Lord Shiva's blazing third eye.
Having been graced by these and other holy visions, my life has been transformed and enriched beyond measure.... I have become an initiate to the sacred Mysteries of antiquity, what the Greeks called an epoptes, one who has seen the holy.
As unworthy as any for such an avalanche of Grace,... as unprepared as most to behold, in breathless awe, beauty of such an extreme nature at once almost as alien as it is anciently familiar. Brought down to the very knees of being even as exhaulted in the fathomless bliss of celestial return.
Washed up now (and always happily again and again), like only so much grateful cosmic floatsam, I come running into the clearing where you stand....come rushing up to you desparate to share it all in an instant, pointing wildly back towards the shaman's secret valley and stammering to you with mad pleading eyes wet with the mischevious urgency of ultimate import,....clutching at your cloak, panting... "something!"....."SOMEthing!!"....."SOMETHING!!!!"
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