Treasured One

Treasured One
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
To us:
We are old friends, little one.
I've got my half of our story ready but you'll have to learn a thing or two here before you can tell me yours.
Some friends are more than just uncles.
Some uncles are more than just (proud) friends
.....of nieces who snuck more than the "official carry-on limit" of stars with them, in here, in their fresh, knowing, devoted eyes.
You and I look into each other's hearts when we talk....giggle and tease. I know you already deserve (from me) more devotion then i reveal and I already receive (from you) more forgiveness than it may seem i deserve.
"Oh when is your birthday again, angel?"
"Oh nevermind, i'm just so glad you are here with me now".
Only a plastic fool would sob less at the grace of being so adored.
We trust each other's hands when we climb.
And we'll all have to trust both your mother's loving work and your father's working love
...until they fly you to me whenever they finally say...
To us.
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