Nay-sayers be....

Originally uploaded by Anantya.
....danged! (lighter than "damned" but let's me fume a bit ;) )
What's wrong with a world where cynicism is misconstrued to be any kind of sophisticated, or worse yet "educated", response to the challenges we face here at the dawn of the 21st century?
"Funny" (read TRAGIC) part is how even the darkest detractors of us "tree-hugging-hippiedom-idealists" types, the defenders of movement towards effective peace-now initiatives, ALL want/need the earth and all others to function with greatest, effectiveness, loyalty and devotion to feed, fun and fuel their silly pseudo-rebellious rap.
Need we (silly granola dreamers) be the ones to have to remind them how dependent they are on the thriving of this precious biosphere for even the very breath they borrow with which to blow their cocky, righteous, unthankful empty and uncreative adolescent horns?
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