Magical Martscha

Magical Martscha
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
GIRL POWER has found their campaign leader for Poland! This amazing sprite of human is a whirlwind of creative energy, curiosity and bravery.
Dasha and I just love being around her....
-watching how she cares for the little "monsters", Natan and Stashik
-taking her up on invites to tour her room and see what new wonders of art or mechanics of redecoration have transformed her roof-side perch.
Martscha dear,
We see how much you miss your dad, how much you love and long to be with him so far away in New York. We see how much your mom struggles to be everything for you without him there. Have faith honey. Forgive all us adults and our half-made world and hurting, searching, wandering..... hearts.
We love and believe and give thanks that you are. We delight in your ever visit and feel a preciousness and shared responsibility for your young happiness that you can not yet know.
Shine on and on and on...
We love you.
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