Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Dakini Moya

Happy Birthday Dakini Moya
Originally uploaded by Anantya.


Jai Jai Jai Ma Prem Dashananda...

Dashka moya,

In this moment, when i only want to be giving YOU the biggest,

BESTest gift of your life, deliver the most inspiring congratulations

to the brightest light in my personal sky, i find myself only able to

give myself. How could that possibly be enough?

That on THIS day of the world of friends and family lining up to say

thank you, to praise you, to honor also MY day to show you

how grateful i am for your birth, for your appearance in my life, for

these precious 3+ years since Life brought us together, that on THIS

day you wake me up this morning with thank-you kisses?!

We are crazy in love, drowned in this Gift.

WHO to thank?

What birthed us for this, prepared us, purified enough of crazy

animal in each of us to let such celestial light glow from our merely

human hearts to one another?

So this is the magic of our love then (the obligation of our

gratitude): we just can't find enough ways to express our joy to each

other, our thanks, our excitement, our curiosity, our inspiration at

the wonder, the beauty, the gift that the other is. What Grace. What

Mystery. What FUN!

Beloved, this day is MY birthday too. Some part of me was dying with

waiting, waiting for you to hurry up and GROW up (giggle)....waiting

for you to get ready for me (or at least get old enough so that

neither Russian law, your protective father or crazy old girl/

boyfriends could get in our way ;) ), ready for us ready for

this..... Love.

Dearest one, i wish you only ever more Light and Peace and higher and

Higher realization of your own very nature.

May you, born so already full of goodness, faith and

happiness, be full of humor and deepest trust as you go forth and

share all that you are and the One you Love (Who is NOT "other") with

all others.

As the first willing, grateful victim of your relentlessly and

irresistibly transformative kindness, smile and expectation, now at

your feet, I invite all others to this feast of friendship.

I pledge my every breath, my very heartbeat in service to your joy,

ease, health and and and.....

....use me up, take it all, burn it through and through so that this

fire that is our human love leaves nothing but giggling dancing

footprints on the cosmic sands of this time, nothing but sacred ash,

just a ****POOF*** of billowy purple smoke and the twinkle of a new

light at the dawn in the east of all human longing,....

....a Transcendental Brilliant human Star has come of age.

(and god, is she cute!)

Always and Forever....



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