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earth 1
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
Just a begining but were already so proud!
Check it out and join along!
Here I find it is the photos that lead me into writing something, sharing some response, reflection, rant.... whatever. If I can ever figure out this "blogging for idiots" template I will add a comments section so that it becomes more of a diologue.....that's juicier for me than just a digital soap-box.
Just a begining but were already so proud!
Check it out and join along!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it."
-Karl Marx
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Allow me to set the scene...
Don't know how well this photo blogs, but it was a fantastic bit of bronze work: a laborer set upon his shovel with the most curious expression of enlightened resignation. And to display our beleaguered yet oddly hopeful laborer the artist (obviously some sort of Marxist/Buddhist) had foregone the standard gallery display pedestal opting rather to prop-up this wry, accusing, smirking curmudgeon in the corner of an old handmade wheelbarrow, half full of rich black soil... and all this in some old abandoned brick factory 60k's into an old Polish forest outside of Warsaw.
But, and this is more to the point I guess, this moment of really great (ok, yes, "folk") art just toppled into my heart, climbed up into my head and really started stirring up some kind of righteous proletariat shit-storm ...
(to be continued...)