Friday, January 13, 2006

Re: De Parade's King of Cool!

Re: De Parade's King of Cool!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Begin forwarded message:

From: David

Date: January 13, 2006 12:18:08 PM GMT+02:00


Subject: Warning: this letter contains WAY too much praise!!! :P


Is "fan"mail fun or just scary?

...either way, blame your SELF not me. You are one major fucking

talent bro. And i feel blessed to have caught your act.

My name's david. I'm just mr. anyguywhocomestoyourshow to face the

horrible truth: not having learned to play that guitar i used to

hopefully drag along with me was a HUGE self-betrayal. There ought to

be some therapy group that meets like Thursday evenings from 8-9:30

to grieve NOT being YOU!


((trys to compose himself))

(((remembers Leon's act.... gives up control..... cheshire cat grin,

begins to RAVE again....)))

So man, i stare at this small promotional card that says "HIJ is

terug" and reflect:

- on how i would have NEVER torn a corner off to make that great

joint i smoked, at that magical carnival, if i had just known....

- what a great piece of memorabilia this image of a floating black

hat over a bald round head with the twisty thin mustache and the

goatee has become because....

- you made such magic with your combination of warm, humorous

investigative journalism

- you shot such smart documentary footage of such special people and


- you made it all alive again for us in that crowded and expectant

little tent when...

- you added YOU LIVE to that mixed of images, film, light, sound,


Thank you thank you thank you!

I decided in that moment to never doubt anything was artistically


i decided that art, music, film could save this crazy precious planet

and that because there were humans like you here, it was worth saving.

I decided that i was going to burn that fucking american passport and

beg for emergency dutch asylum.

I remembered i was also very stoned and that perhaps i'd better wait

till morning to make that last promise official (wink).

Please write me dear brother and tell me that you are well.

Tell me that life rewards those to risk as much as you to bring so

much light and joy in here for the rest of us to wonder at.

Whatever you wish for in this new year, may it blow even YOUR

creative shiny head just how true it all becomes.

Based on the kick in the (creative) ass that that special 30 min's

with you was for me at "Parade" (or what was that festival called in

Amsterdam park where i wandered into your world?!?!), I have started

to more energetically express my own dreams. I've started a new peace-

work organization called: EquiLife. When we have the $$$ I've got a

great idea to commission a musical/theatrical work from/by/with you.

Will share more when i can make this all more than just a dream, cool?

By the way: send a few promotional pic's of that magical face of

yours. i'd love to do some impromptu promoting of your work here in

eastern europe and at my blog, if i may/if it pleases. I've had great

luck as an occasional promoter for acts i fall in love with (friends

in LIVE to South Africa, Jason Webley over to Moscow a few times. You

MUST meet/hear Jason some time too.... he's from some part of the

same creative galaxy as you).

Anyway, I get back to Holland often and did decide to apply for

citizenship (no shit! :)), the next cup of coffee or glass of

wine is on ME!

Much love and do stay in touch!


PS: you DO read English, no? :-o


Thursday, January 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

When the fire of your most silent attention
makes alters of any old view

...then the thing you'd just finished beholding
bows you down to now pay its full due

Gate Gate ParaGate

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

A glacier rattles in the cupboard.

A desert sighs within the bed.

And the crack in the teacup opens

a door

to the land

of the dead.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ah,....this US!

Ah,....this US!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Wanderers in touch...

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

This big round world: slippery-wet, deep and green, high and mighty when not blistering bright and sandy brown... and full of great ways to flow, slash, surf, run, climb, wander, dive, leap, plumb and resurface.

With so much to get into, out of, around, on top of,.... warmed, chilled, challenged, blessed: its ALL here. So who in (from?) the hell finds the time to horde, push, clamor, trick, dupe, take, waste, fool, ruin, gorge or covet?

People finding enough time and attention to be all lost in stories of moments past, busy making and having problems rather than having the time of their lives are simply not getting OUT and INTO it enough....or being prevented by those that ought to be.

*makes note to himself, "Basic Human Right #7: some people need to GET OUT MORE or at least get out of the way!"

There. That's better.

PS: Little Prince says: Question EVERYthing/one/day...and keep wandering in wonder!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Dakini Moya

Happy Birthday Dakini Moya
Originally uploaded by Anantya.


Jai Jai Jai Ma Prem Dashananda...

Dashka moya,

In this moment, when i only want to be giving YOU the biggest,

BESTest gift of your life, deliver the most inspiring congratulations

to the brightest light in my personal sky, i find myself only able to

give myself. How could that possibly be enough?

That on THIS day of the world of friends and family lining up to say

thank you, to praise you, to honor also MY day to show you

how grateful i am for your birth, for your appearance in my life, for

these precious 3+ years since Life brought us together, that on THIS

day you wake me up this morning with thank-you kisses?!

We are crazy in love, drowned in this Gift.

WHO to thank?

What birthed us for this, prepared us, purified enough of crazy

animal in each of us to let such celestial light glow from our merely

human hearts to one another?

So this is the magic of our love then (the obligation of our

gratitude): we just can't find enough ways to express our joy to each

other, our thanks, our excitement, our curiosity, our inspiration at

the wonder, the beauty, the gift that the other is. What Grace. What

Mystery. What FUN!

Beloved, this day is MY birthday too. Some part of me was dying with

waiting, waiting for you to hurry up and GROW up (giggle)....waiting

for you to get ready for me (or at least get old enough so that

neither Russian law, your protective father or crazy old girl/

boyfriends could get in our way ;) ), ready for us ready for

this..... Love.

Dearest one, i wish you only ever more Light and Peace and higher and

Higher realization of your own very nature.

May you, born so already full of goodness, faith and

happiness, be full of humor and deepest trust as you go forth and

share all that you are and the One you Love (Who is NOT "other") with

all others.

As the first willing, grateful victim of your relentlessly and

irresistibly transformative kindness, smile and expectation, now at

your feet, I invite all others to this feast of friendship.

I pledge my every breath, my very heartbeat in service to your joy,

ease, health and and and.....

....use me up, take it all, burn it through and through so that this

fire that is our human love leaves nothing but giggling dancing

footprints on the cosmic sands of this time, nothing but sacred ash,

just a ****POOF*** of billowy purple smoke and the twinkle of a new

light at the dawn in the east of all human longing,....

....a Transcendental Brilliant human Star has come of age.

(and god, is she cute!)

Always and Forever....


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nay-sayers be....

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

....danged! (lighter than "damned" but let's me fume a bit ;) )

What's wrong with a world where cynicism is misconstrued to be any kind of sophisticated, or worse yet "educated", response to the challenges we face here at the dawn of the 21st century?

"Funny" (read TRAGIC) part is how even the darkest detractors of us "tree-hugging-hippiedom-idealists" types, the defenders of movement towards effective peace-now initiatives, ALL want/need the earth and all others to function with greatest, effectiveness, loyalty and devotion to feed, fun and fuel their silly pseudo-rebellious rap.

Need we (silly granola dreamers) be the ones to have to remind them how dependent they are on the thriving of this precious biosphere for even the very breath they borrow with which to blow their cocky, righteous, unthankful empty and uncreative adolescent horns?