Wanderers in touch...

Originally uploaded by Anantya.
This big round world: slippery-wet, deep and green, high and mighty when not blistering bright and sandy brown... and full of great ways to flow, slash, surf, run, climb, wander, dive, leap, plumb and resurface.
With so much to get into, out of, around, on top of,.... warmed, chilled, challenged, blessed: its ALL here. So who in (from?) the hell finds the time to horde, push, clamor, trick, dupe, take, waste, fool, ruin, gorge or covet?
People finding enough time and attention to be all lost in stories of moments past, busy making and having problems rather than having the time of their lives are simply not getting OUT and INTO it enough....or being prevented by those that ought to be.
*makes note to himself, "Basic Human Right #7: some people need to GET OUT MORE or at least get out of the way!"
There. That's better.
PS: Little Prince says: Question EVERYthing/one/day...and keep wandering in wonder!
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