Always Already Free: digital chautaquas from HereNow
Here I find it is the photos that lead me into writing something, sharing some response, reflection, rant.... whatever. If I can ever figure out this "blogging for idiots" template I will add a comments section so that it becomes more of a diologue.....that's juicier for me than just a digital soap-box.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
YOUR leader?

YOUR leader?
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

To Make Legal The Illegal
"The President determines, the President shall establish and
maintain, the President determines, the President shall, what the
President considers appropriate, the President shall determine…
…that the surveillance is necessary
shall update a list of groups and organizations
that are subject to electronic surveillance
that there is a reasonable likelihood that the group or organization
whether it intends to engage in an act of international terrorism
whether the Program remains necessary...
The President determines…
the President considers appropriate."