Saturday, May 27, 2006

...the heart..

...the heart..
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is

essential is invisible to the eye.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Thursday, May 11, 2006 protect the innocent protect the innocent
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Beloved Cousin X

Hey there cousin - how are you?

Cuz’n David


Beloved Cousin X

What are you up today (tonight?)

Cuz’n David

just took a break for web-development to respond to Alternet article

about rock band GodSmack's support of the military

in other words: the usual


you dear??

Beloved Cousin X

flipping out -running around like mad

also - the usual

Cuz’n David

some fun associated with this all?

Beloved Cousin X

Of course!

I was just thinking about you as I attempt to answer an essay

question “What is an essential paradox that defines your life? “

Cuz’n David

wow …great question

i suppose YOUR cant answer: "1000 passions – 1 penis"?

Beloved Cousin X


I could translate that a bit...

Cuz’n David

*awaits her version of same*

Beloved Cousin X

1000 penises - too bad I'm married?

Cuz’n David


Ah brilliant minds...

Are you are school/work?

Beloved Cousin X

I am at home right now, working on an application for the (please

don't kill me) Miami Ad school boot camp (to take place in Mpls this


Cuz’n David

got a lot of fun pix to share......will email ya

Beloved Cousin X

Yes - please do

Cuz’n David

"dont kill you"

what is that about??

that PR nightmare you keep considering professionally having?

Beloved Cousin X

I'm thinking about trying my hand at brand planning

Cuz’n David


*mooz his cuz!*

Beloved Cousin X





I wish you were here to moon me!

Then you could help me answer another crazy question:

Cuz’n David


(last comment: yours T)

*winces and awaits her question*

Beloved Cousin X

Question: “If you had to explain to someone what ain increasing

divorce rate, cable television, the space shutttle challenger

disaster in the 1980's, the populatirty of south parkk and the rise

of IM all have in comon, what would you say? “

Cuz’n David

Answer: hitting of the transpersonal wall of cultural novelty as the

dynamic convergence/divergence tension of so-called "(post)modern"

life goes eschatologically asontotic

Sorry, HAD to ask?!


Beloved Cousin X

Hold on... I need to look up 10 of those words in my dictionary.

Will return later...

Cuz’n David


(admits he had to google for 2 spellingz)

Beloved Cousin X

Actually I'm reading your response to the Godsmack article...

Cuz’n David

but really?

Beloved Cousin X

Oh ride is here... early... must put on bra before leaving


later babe!

Beloved Cousin X disconnected

Cuz’n David

Well then, if only to amuse myself… another stable at your what? MMPI

question there?

... I feel that all of those speak in, one way or another, of the

phantasmagoric magnification of, and fall out from, the ego's endgame

as its number, being soon "up" as it were (er, will be), casts

shadows back in time from some place (not so far off) there at the

upcoming end of history.

Cuz’n David disconnected

Friday, May 05, 2006


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Dear Grandma,

You stayed as long as you could.

You did more for free than most do for pay.

No stranger to loss and never spared the insults of time's passing

traditions and arriving contradictions,

you loved anyway,

and forgave anyway,

and served anyway.

No bit of terrible world news, neighborhood strife or family struggle

failed to touch your caring heart and frustrated sensibilities as you

marveled aloud in those exasperated, brave, longing-suffering and

treasured chuckling refrains:

- "what-in-the worrrrld ?!"

- "ohhhh golly"

- "my word!"

- "heavens to..."

and, on the lighter side, to help us chuckle too:

- "oh ishhh!"

- "well, for dumb!"

- "uffda nemmen!"

Gosh we miss ya gram.

Nothing's gotten easier since you left. Well, not much or for many.

- our president: "well, for dumb!"

- his war: "what-in-the WORRRrrld are we doing there?!"

- pollution and waste: "heavens, what ARE they THIKing?! Back when i

was a girl....."

- neighborhood/racial struggle: "ohhhh gosh, and they are such nice


- family stress: "Well my word,...why can't he/she/they just get


...but, you taught us to never give up and that love, kindhearted

tollerance and hard work for worthy causes would help us find our way.

May your move beyond the trials of this confounding, precious,

precarious, promising life (you lived so well) find you now in a

state of deepest, deserved peace. And never seeming to mind yet one

more chore for any of us grandkids (..god, what we wouldn't give now

to do one for you), could I ask you to please put in a good word for

those of us still longing, praying and working hard to see this all

come out right down here?

...Uffda, do we need it!

Thanks gram,



colbert n bush.jpg
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Bol! <"speak!">

Speak, your lips are free.

Speak, it is your own tongue.

Speak, it is your own body.

Speak, your life is still yours.

See how in the blacksmith's shop

The flame burns wild, the iron glows red;

The locks open their jaws,

And every chain begins to break.

Speak, this brief hour is long enough

Before the death of body and tongue:

Speak, 'cause the truth is not dead yet,

Speak, speak, whatever you must speak.

-Faiz Ahmed Fai (poet)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

a while

a while
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

...I’d like to get away from earth awhile

And then come back to it and begin over.

May no fate willfully misunderstand me

And half grant what I wish and snatch me away

Not to return. Earth’s the right place for love:

I don’t know where it’s likely to go better.

I’d like to go by climbing a birch tree,

And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk

Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,

But dipped its top and set me down again.

That would be good both going and coming back.

One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.

-Robert Frost (1874–1963).

Mountain Interval. 1920.