Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Gangz All Here

The Gangz All Here
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Images in the collective becoming art in the eye as you wander a far away city...bringing them back in memory to your every next experience of their unique expression.

Fabric of art, light, sound...mystery onto mystery.

Grafiti on the walls of alone's journey to the alone.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Kick'n back...

Kick'n back
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Wandered off (again).
Lost our way (thank god).
Found a place to just lay down (and give up).

Watched summer's heat wave (goodbye).
Clouds did their best fluffy cartoon (tricks).

Fall apples and spring water fed (our smiles).

Sweet smoke (and lazy love) .
Happy grass (and chilly cheeks).

And two curious cows (too shy to join, too entertained to look away) shared a knowing nod ... she turned to me and said "I love our life".

Monday, September 20, 2004

To have and to hold....

To have and to hold....
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

("mir") not the Russian word for their ancient space-station.
...or the Russian word for Earth.

PEACE,...that's it!

Personal Questions ALERT:
Why is something so obvious so illusive?
What wouldN'T you give in exchange for a world of it?
How can you hope for it if you can't imagine what it would look and feel like?
How is the amount of it in the world OUTside you right now like the quality of it INside your own human head and heart?

Preaching ALERT:
Seek it and you will NOT find it. Peace is Always Already the case, before any of the (mis)adventures of apparent loss and the stressful (doomed) strategies for seeking its discovery-recovery. Peace simply awaits your return,..calls you from behind every breakdown of egoic will, every unearned kindness, every close-call with any kind of death. Just waiting for you to ripen and fall (in)...and REmember, REcognize and RElax the REsistance.

Poetry ALERT:
"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons [where is this Peace?, when will it come?, how will men change?], knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside!"
-The Essential Rumi
- the "[ ]"s are mine.

Aquarium Life!

Aquarium Life!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

She stares at us just as we at her....feeding us with delight at her wet flutter dance-life just as we her with these stinky flakes of fish food.

"Don't know who it was who discovered water, but it certainly wasn't a fish"
-M. Mcluhan


...dunno, maybe Ryan understands this more. To me it is all just more of the magical same (Mystery).

My She Dreams...

My She Dreams...
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

True Love Test #422: You KNOW she's going to kill you for doing it but you've shut off the alarm clock (again) and now lay back down next to her and smile in wonder...

How can i love her more?
What can she really know of the preciousness, the treasure she is to me?
To worship her joy, serve her smiles with open hands, wings with no cage, no ringing here but the song of Love's own call.

To be awake enough herenow to celebrate this spiritual companionship so...even in this half-made, wonderous, terrible world where the Heart has yet to win,.... is to be born again as Mystery Itself.


No, ....i'll definitely have to wake her.

But not just yet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Consider the...

Consider the...
Originally uploaded by Anantya.


Why do we burn so much midnight oil (and fossil fuel) cruising for the stars when our planet is overRUN by life-forms so diverse as to make the bar scene from Star Wars look sleepy?

Flowers... I can't get enough of them. I am entranced and I credit this to the mushroom and the reawakening it served in me for the wonder of all of nature.

If language is really evolving towards something beheld, over something merely heard or read, then flowers must be the spray of that new day to first reach our hungry eyes.

The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Memories of Knightless nights drowning her virgin faith and ivory frock in relentless waves and silent tears of passing time......

What is it that beautiful girls in old castles dream about that fills them with such lovely sadness?

Monday, September 13, 2004

A castle with a view

A castle with a view
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Dasha looks out over the dam that now covers what once, we were told, was a lovely lazy river valley just across the old moat and down a sweep of soft grassy hillside.

Ah, progress!

Now HERE's a funguy!

Now THERE's a Fun-Guy!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

St. DashELKa : the patron saint horney-ness

St. DashELKa : the patron saint horney-ness
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Well....what to say?

She's gunna kill me when she sees THIS one!

MY kind of Jesus!

MY kind of Jesus!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Of all the icons, carpets, armor and other sundry medieval paraphernalia littering this old place, this guy....this little exhausted Jesus carving just stole into my heart.

I mean WHO couldn't understand it if the J-man himself also found Polish history a bit depressing!


Some back yard, eh?

Some back yard, eh?
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

The courtyard of this otherwise dead pile of white-washed rocks felt so alive.

Dasha doing a bit of geneology work....

Dasha doing a bit of geneology work....
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

"Hmmm, well the Ukrainians did invade with the Tatars a few times..... hmmmm,.........noooo, that's not quite the Siromakha nose! At first it kiiiiinda looked like old uncle Vladimir but,.....hmmmm no. No, his breath was definitely worse!"

Castle Chronicles - 2

Dungeon Angel
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I imagine the 16th century headline read something like: "Little wooden cherub rode out of castle on rail...."

Don't know exactly why this darker chamber caught my camera but here's a photo only my poet-idol Gopaniwag could do justice.

Ghost Crossing

Ghost Crossing
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Before coming to Poland, still lounging on Thai beaches and reading like a fiend, I slogged through Mitchener's "Poland" (thank god they didn't charge for that one by the pound!). Let me saved you the time (and weight lifting): war, war, war....invasion, invasion, invasion...and when it wasn't being done TO Poland from the outside (Tatars/Russian from the east, Austrians from the south, German's from the west, even Swedes from the north) there were always plenty of Kingly madness from within... I mean here is a country with such serious trust issues that they preferred importing rulers from other nations because they were less dangerous to oust, less powerful to rule, less understanding of who's greed they were supposed to be bidding.

ANYway.......and so Poland has some wonderful old castles moldering about their fantastic forests, dotting their unique river landscapes.

This one, or the humor of its curator, is apparently haunted.

Mama Mary's Polish Castle Tours....

Mama Mary's Polish Castle Tours....
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Who wouldn't follow that smile?
(...even into history??!)

Can you say "economy modle"?!

Can you say "economy modle"?!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Ah the wonders of Polish transportation :))

We are off to a polish castle today: dasha, ola and I.
Not riding in this one but rather Ola's '73 mercedes and if we make it I'll have more great shots to share for sure!

Smart Frinds (are Heart friends)

Beloved teacher & friend
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Brother T:
You wild fire of magical mind. Running and reporting from all my favorite edges. You left us far too soon but then who would I rather have head into that Mysterious next Whatever before me?

Defender of all bright possibility, teller of deep and crazy tales, lover of human and Gaia,... I am so much that better that you were/are. You and Dennis (as Syzygy spores) placed a transcendental trojan horse on the doorsteps of my hungry mind and longing heart. Lux Natura's first publication was all genie and no bottle, the fruits of rhizomorphic wonder, until flo's Attic flickered with galactic light and 10,000 cosmic giggles.

You and the truths you could never contain, the secrets you promised never to keep, they hmmm in my heart, fly in my mind, grow in my dreams, haunt the event horizon of all my hopes, and flood from Ipod to ear.

Last time i grocked our little beloveds I was, as usual, down on my knees atoning and attuning (aka crying my heart out) and was flooded with your memory and presence when all of a sudden I felt a the dance of a thousand luving tricksters bubbling in my heart and singing in my head "yeah, we miss him too!".

(deep innnnnnnhalation and.......siiiiiiigh)


PS: FYI: more?

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Mystery Brother

Mystery Brother
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I know you know that I know that you...
...move in luminous space of the Great Open Secret.

Groking the Mystery in fullest of gulps and sacrificial tokes we fall
...first to the floor of humble surrender
before flying
beyond Beyond's beyond

Knowing we find ourselves carried only as high as our love is deep
...for Gaia
(and all, and All)
We consciously yield,
consent to merger,
conspire to dissolve,
...all boundaries now fire-food

This pyre of Truest Friendship
the naked Light of Eternal Day.


PS: ...knew there was something pfishy about u!


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Smithereeeeeeened by a brilliant invasion of Amazonian fun guys (wry smirk to all lurking psychonauts), that San Francisco loft was as rock'n to P. Gabriel's "Plays Live" as Polk street was below to its majestic crush of Halloween tricksters.

The two or three thousand years it took to find my body (somebody, ANY body!), open my eyes (the other two), crawl awestruck (and mad-laughing) to the window's edge was so perfectly choreographed by the soul-thumping tribal drumming of Peter's "I have the TOUCH", that when I finally, finding my balance to rise by double-palming the invisible bay window pane, and in a gesture as much splitting its seams with equal parts appall and awe as benevolent blessings for my devotees below, I'm sure we both knew (in/after that FLASH) the photo he had just stolen of my right hand was going to be stellar.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Happy Birthday Claudios!!!

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

There's a famous Zen story about two guys lost for days in the forrest and upon finding each other jump with delight, each embracing the other and feeling immense relief until it dawns on them both that they are no more found being with another lost person than when they were previously simply lost on their own.

How is this story different when two beings meet who feel themselves everywhere "found" or at home? Well we still often jump up and down and do the crazy laughing and celebration of two ecstatic friends just delighted by being and by being such great friends.

We all have, for I have discovered that there are so many who feel a similar devotion, the greatest of brothers in this wonderful human being. Claudios is a brave adventurer, fellow traveler, moon lover, fire dancer, ecstatic raving prophet (and they say I am hard to shut up?! :), silent knower and true..... True Friend.

Our is the usual story: We met under the crystalline aqua flows of enchanted Asian waters, flocks of tropical fish blowing us kisses from above, many meters deep and a half mile off the shores of that one "secret" Thai beach (you know, from the movie "The Beach"). Really :))

The Great Thief has stolen my heart again, sent a special Polish agent, a shining eyed trickster from my own planet, and (thank God) i will never be the same again, and again and.....

...I bow.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

photo shoot - 5

photo shoot - 5
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

They eventually suggested I "take a walk" as mine was the camera Dasha was looking into too often :)

photo shoot - 3

photo shoot - 2
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

photo shoot - 2

photo shoot - 6
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Ola, from MMilanovek, was doing the camera work.

Had an interesting smoke/chat with the guy in orange about life in Poland....seemed open and progressive until her heard me mention something about Poland still seeming to be quite Catholic..." where the conversation turned considerably darker. He said that the Pope was a saint and no one should dare criticize a man "...who is almost god". Ok, then.!

"Hi" Magazine photo shoot

photo shoot - 7
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I drove Ola's '73 Benz through the foggy Polish night to get these two back for Dasha's first photo shoot here in Warsaw.

I was for a Polish-English "lifestyles/youth culture" magazine.

I hung out for a few hours, making sure not to miss out on any fun, took a few shots of the process and then wandered home to CRASH.

What a weekend!


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

This girl is the PERFECT adventure-living partner.

Don't know if we will have the resources to do enough of this crazy sport for her to become fully licensed yet this summer but for sure this is a great begining.


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

"Hey, these parachute thing'ies really DO work! Cool!!"

Goddess of SMILES!

our hero
Originally uploaded by Anantya.


Originally uploaded by Anantya.


easy does it now
Originally uploaded by Anantya.


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Ok,...HERE we go!

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

PS: ...and some great dirty evidence of Ola's flirting in the background! :P

"...this was YOUR idea Ola!"

"...this was YOUR idea Ola!"
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Our fearless (ha!) leader goes FIRST!

"....results may vary."

"....results may vary."
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

ONLY in the name of safety did i tolerate these "hunky" (HER word) APES gawking, guffawing and grappling at my my angel! (....though SHE didn't seem to mind it much :))

Alright already,.... let's get to the fun part.....

Day #2: Hang in there dashka

Hang in there dashka
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Dasha and Ola patiently suffered my ecstatic babble and bragging after such an amazing re-entry into this sport i love so much and the next morning it was their turn.

Here's a shot of Dasha hanging in the training harness and pretending that all the mission-critical Polish being drill-sergeant'd at her really does (pretty much) make, well, kinda...... make sense.

Skydiving's Zen

Skydiving's Zen
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

...and now you don't!

Sunset load!

Sunset load!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Dasha got to ride along in this incredible Russian made (POLISH flown...) "rocket" of an airplane (0-4000 meters in under 10 minutes!!) and seemed to find it somehow FUNNY seeing her guy toss himself, shit-eating grin and all, out of a perfectly good airplane.

Now you see him...

Men with a mission ;)

Men with a mission ;)
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Arrived at this mountain nestled eastern European drop-zone, after HOURS of running around handling the kafka'esque pile of paperwork necessary to throw yourself out of airplanes in these parts, to the wonderful news: there was still time for ME to make my re-entry jump (logbook showed my #347th jump was in Africa over 4 years ago) on the SUNSET load!

Nowy Targ, Poland

Nowy Targ, Poland
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

A cool new girlfriend of ours, Ola, "talked us into" (don't imagine much arm twisting here) heading down to the south of Poland for a birthday road-trip with her. We got MUCH more than we bargained for when we discovered that the trip included SKYDIVING and CASTLE exploring :)))

This next burst of photo-madness is some kind of attempt to reassure ourselves that this magical weekend wasn't just a dream.

Thursday, September 02, 2004


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Anna, a dear sister in St. petersburg, surprised me the other day with a deluge of "glamor shots" that now glow neon red from behind a folder called "Pics For Rainy Days" :)))))

She is a bright and busy friend up there in the wondrous northern part of western Russia who never fails to make me smile with kind "preveet"s and funny jokes, etc on ICQ.

...rock on Anna!!

Strange Grace

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Thailand changed us forever.

Yes, the exoteric (outer) signs, lore, ornamentalia (hee, that a word? should be) of Buddhism there can be a distraction from the inner depth Guatama was pointing everyone towards but, walk the 1200+ steps up to the top of Wat Tamsua, rest your panting chest and spinning forehead against any one of the amazing magical shrines chiming in the never-ending breeze there, close your eyes and just FAAAaaaall inside.

Saphire's Angel

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Our summer world is exploding in the wonders of earthly abundance: markets, like the rainbow of fruits and vegetables calling out to me from every old lady's stand, are just bursting at the seems.

Our tribe is no less resplendent in fertility and fruition right now too: so many of our beloved friends are busying of storks on 3 different continents. Aga had Luba (separate blogette to come) in the first week of our arrival here. Naya is pregnant again (they think it all started when we were together in Thailand together! :)). And then there's my beloved...

Aaron & Dori send me this:
Meadow Juniper Worthley
Born July 3rd, 8:13pm
8lbs 5 oz
healthy and happy!
...I mean we KNEW Dori was pregnant and eventually VERY pregnant (not at liberty to share THOSE beautiful pics but wow was she EVER "show'n") but can you believe how silly the mind works, just never fully anticipated the fantastic shock of hearing the GREAT news: we have a new lil sister, lil niece, lil new critter in the tribal tent..... wow.

Can't wait to hold her myself.

Welcome Meadow! are so so welcome.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

beauty is peace

beauty is peace
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

This visit to a village native craft center about an hour outside of Bangkok really added a new dimension to the great old saying: "Chop wood, carry water".

I love the Thai people so much. Their attention to detail and obsession with Buddhist exoterica is absolutely psychedelic and transformative.

Sawadee Krap!

sundog a la Dashka

Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I'm in love with a brilliant bindu
of creative Life-Force-She-Light
in the shape of a Ukranian goddess to the tune of Steely Dan's "hey nineteen"

my shakti-kali
with equalizer set to ROCK
and volume full-POWER

...and miles of forested warmed skinned pathways
lined in poems draped in a carpet of crazy paintings
a luminous brilliant promanade to my (and The) Heart


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

And again and again...
this endless return.

(R E L I E F)

The "place" we realize we never left, only once we return.

Leela: dancing (or limping ;) our way Home...
Taking a good (or bad) long time wandering away from and returning to HereNow.