Always Already Free: digital chautaquas from HereNow
Here I find it is the photos that lead me into writing something, sharing some response, reflection, rant.... whatever. If I can ever figure out this "blogging for idiots" template I will add a comments section so that it becomes more of a diologue.....that's juicier for me than just a digital soap-box.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Thursday, December 16, 2004
One man's savior.....

Originally uploaded by Anantya.
Having forgotten you've drifted off....falling into the mindless bliss of an afternoon's nap, your heart gives wing to nostalgia's eager flight...mmmmmm.....and so, you've drifted off.
Its this place again. This place, each to her own, we all go behind the scenes, beyond the mummery of all pretensions, free of the illusion of relatedness and the presumption of firmiliarity.
You come, by and by, to your own self... or is it? You there, in a form far more intimate that any mirror ever go-betweened.
Shy in the extreme and pregnant with unspeakable devotion you look down as you lovingly gaze up. Beaming self onto flowering self, one. One of you starts softly admitting now, a mother's milk of tender murmur, the kind of confession a secret tear could only make to an old Mt. Tam conifer, softly confide, 'We have no idea who we are do we?, ...where we are or...or what, in God's name, is really going on here. Do we?'
And though knowing it makes no difference at all, even as it changes everything in an instant, all is suddenly unmasked:
One man's savior, another's cartoon.
Once man's search, another man's suffering
The ego-"I" IS the illusion of relatedness. And every aparent "you" just another teddybear of a wayside rest on the souls' endless exodus Home.
Hugged and abandoned, embraced and surrendered, we drift. Then that island, now this sandbar, tomorrow a bit of melting shoreline. All as already gone. We who worship this river, the flow of our sacrifice, the current of our love of this way. We of neon blood and amber ash, who dare this ecstatic mad Yoga of the Openhanded YES,...this love of the Two-Armed Form,
...for us the burning is slow becoming done and we, then steeped in Her darkness, now know Her fire only as d' light!
"MMMmmm...." you sigh, saying thanks with both breath and ripening tremble.
And She's crying in love with both you and you as she enfolds the dream's deeper gift again. The patron saint of both sigh and belly-laugh: a grey fluffy, blue-bibbed embrace of a remembra-murti. An "ah ha!" that has you getting down to getting that........
That you had been drifted a deeper land.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Treasured One

Treasured One
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
To us:
We are old friends, little one.
I've got my half of our story ready but you'll have to learn a thing or two here before you can tell me yours.
Some friends are more than just uncles.
Some uncles are more than just (proud) friends
.....of nieces who snuck more than the "official carry-on limit" of stars with them, in here, in their fresh, knowing, devoted eyes.
You and I look into each other's hearts when we talk....giggle and tease. I know you already deserve (from me) more devotion then i reveal and I already receive (from you) more forgiveness than it may seem i deserve.
"Oh when is your birthday again, angel?"
"Oh nevermind, i'm just so glad you are here with me now".
Only a plastic fool would sob less at the grace of being so adored.
We trust each other's hands when we climb.
And we'll all have to trust both your mother's loving work and your father's working love
...until they fly you to me whenever they finally say...
To us.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Om Mani DassanAnanda Ma!

лампа готова ура
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
"Its one thing to hide from your own shadow but entirely another to celebrate your own by delighting in that of an other. The former is the order of the day, the latter an entirely different Way."

Originally uploaded by Anantya.
"Are there any boots to walk on thorns?"
His reply came back crisp and direct, "There are no thorns."
Unsatisfied, I pursued, "The thorns are very much there for me!"
With quiet patience he answered, "Stop looking for roses and there will be no thorns."
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Tru Friends

Tru Friends
Originally uploaded by Anantya.
If its true for you to that we need to "make friends" with our enemies or challenges in life as much as we value our easy relations...., that we must learn to love and make good use of our break-downs to get to the break-throughs we have been longing for, then it is also true that there is an entirely different category of connections too.
You know what I mean: there are these rare friends who are, in there merely simple and loving presence, such a gift of goodness, clarity, humor...etc. that you feel surly the word "angel" has now found a more personal meaning for you.
I have been blessed with the appearance of many such brothers over the course of this Earthly round. Today my men's tribe is where I'm drawing a lot of strength and for whom I'm feeling so much gratitude... saleem, aaron, nashon, lee, pat, michael, cas, ryan, henk....(and the list of sisters is even longer).
Stranger still is how, no matter how (or how much) we feel we fall short of the goodness we would like to more fully embody and be for all others, we are, foibles included, sometimes blessed to be just such "angles" (or True Friends, as I prefer) for others. What a gift when we are allowed the blessing of just no reactivity with another....when we feel so easy and accepting of them and in our peace, silence, loving of them they feel so much relaxation and permission to .....well, to simply be.
Can this be cultivated? Can this be an ideal towards which all relations can evolve?
Let it be so.
All gratitude and celebration of all of our true friends!
Lalaleeleela at 13!

Originally uploaded by Anantya.
Long may you run old girl!
A poem for one of the sweetest dogs i have ever known:
Treat me kindly, my beloved friend,
For no heart in all the world is more
rateful for kindness than the loving
heart of me.
Do not break my spirit with a stick,
For though I should lick your hand
between blows, your patience and
understanding will more quickly
teach me the things you would
have me learn.
Speak to me often, For your voice is
the world's sweetest music, as you must
know by the fierce wagging of my tail
when your footsteps fall upon my ears.
Please take me inside when it is cold
and wet, For I am a domesticated
animal, no longer accustomed to the
bitter elements. I ask no greater glory
than the privilege of sitting at your
feet beside the hearth.
Keep my pan filled with water, for I
cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.
Feed me clean food that I may stay well,
to romp and play and do your bidding,
to walk by your side, and stand ready,
willing and able to protect you with
my life, should your life be in danger.
And, my friend, when I am very old, and
I no longer enjoy good health, hearing
and good sight, do not make heroic
efforts to keep me going.
I am not having fun. Please see that my
trusting life is taken gently. I shall
leave this earth knowing with the last
breath I drew, that my fate was always
safest in your hand.
--- By Beth Norman Harris 1968 ---