Friday, October 29, 2004

Divine Recluse

Divine Recluse
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I have this friend, Barth, back in my home state of MN. This dude's just got to be one of the sweetest guys i have ever had the pleasure of hanging out with. We go pretty far back too.

We studied German together at the U of M one summer session and Barth took me up on my invite to come crash-in when i had gotten my new scene set-up in the Black Forest of southern Germany.

We'd go sometimes over a year without even a word and then connect and discover that we'd both been living just an island away in Hawaii. Just strange stuff like that. No matter the time that had lapsed since our last time hanging-out we'd connect like neighbors,, brothers!

He has an awesome head on his shoulders and blows my mind with each new landscaping adventure he hungrily dives into each new summer.

My friend found himself a wonderful partner and they just had a What an adventure.

Don't know when I'll get back home again but I sure look forward, after spending time with family, to giving my "old" buddy a call, hearing "Daaaaave,, man....c'mon over!", and taking our time swapping stories and catching up.

Here's to you brother!

Awaken Little Sister.....please!

Only India
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

The simple pleasures...
What else is there really?

We all know that life can be, at its core, so so simple.

How is it then that we allow it to become so overwhelming, stressful, unintellegable,, worse yet, to even mistrust it (Life or Nature) as being unnatural, unhealthy, alien and all too often predictably dangerous? How to return or forward-escape into harmony with each other and this precious Earth again or anew? Can you see a really positive future and if so a clear way to get there for all 6+ billion of us?

Sure, there are many ways to approach thinking about and trying to transform a cycle of disfunction (like our relations to each other as world citizens) or dystopian break-down (like our relationship as humanity to the Earth we depend upon) into a break-through or postive evolutionary bottleneck successfully navigated.

Here's one of the ideas closest to my, not wholy rational, hope for twarting the impending and tragically unnecessary negitive future who's ominous shadow, cast backwards in time, has been progressively darkening the social, economic, ecological and political landscape and discourse for decades now. One of the very few vectors for transformational genisis to manifest, a point of sufficient and causative potential to redeeme this fall into profane history, to transform this nightmare of modernity into merely a stressful and strange evolutionary passage, is the awakening, empowering and (re)emergence of the feminine in all people and every aspect of human life.

For both the journey and the "destination" (my vision is very utopian,....yours?) of mankind to be a postive experience for all, as the most brilliant, inspired and far-seeing among us have always intuited and communicated it can be, women specifically, as the first wave or "point of power" in an evolution-revolution, which ultimately will touch and transform all people regardless of gender or any other difference, must re-awaken to much, now lacking, power and wisdom (most often unique or uniquely accessable to their gender). They must identify their power as a collective "group" to organize their transformational force and notice that, as a collective, they need not wait or ask permission any more of any of the crumbling artifices of the soon-to-be late patriarchy. Every aspect of suffereing humanity begs the rebalancing geniuses and empowering effect of the feminine returning to the politics of partnering, child bearing, conscious parenting, right livelihood, community building, world ecology and economics....etc.

The "men" or the power that we attribute to the last many thousand years of principally male powers (scientific materialism, reductionist thought, dominator ecology policy, win-loose economic strategy, etc.) holding sway, has had its time. Its gifts, and many there are, are as obvious but not outweighed by its auto-toxic effects in absence of a balancing force of the feminine.

This is the conversation that can bring me to the edge of my seat nowadays. Where is the dialogue (the call for the re-emergence of Yin in this Yang-run-wild world) most active? Dasha and I spent an interesting drive with 2 Polish film makers talking about just this theme the other day. We were on a journey to the Czech boarder so I could walk out and back into Poland with renewed permission to stay for 3 months (again a brilliant example of uniquely male, left(hair!)-brained thinking at its best). I asked these media professionals: "Where are the Utpoian films?", "...furthermore, where are the films where women/the feminine rise up and make a massive difference, reversing, with bravest manifestation of non-violent of absolutely unstoppable autonomous power, the negitive plot-line of the 20th century?"

This all led to a very spirited conversation about the distinct absence of these kinds of films and they were asking why I thought this was such a frightening fact and I tried to explain to them that I don't believe that we can live into (or create) any reality we are not capable of envisioning. So, if the artists (especially in the more popular visionary mediums of fiction film and documentary) are not bearing witness to the vision or longing or even possibility of bright futures, then how likely is it that the, most often much more asleep, masses of humanity are going to be feeling the hope or power to move in such a positive direction?

Your thoughts?

PS: ???(!)

Monday, October 25, 2004


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Alone we enter and alone we leave.
What to do in-between is the big question.

If you follow rules and the definitions of others you are promised more predictability, more safety, more company, more congratulations, more approval..... than if you choose to strike out on your own.

The choice to sacrifice the "guarantees" and applause of your country, your culture, your family, your marriage, your gender.... for the ups and downs, the glories and risks of writing your own script, is not a small one. You make the "other choice" and you do it alone.

My life is still, like most, a real "work/play in progress". The number of "mistaken" choices and "wrong turns", while far too plentiful for the average person to suffer or be held responsible for, is far outweighed by both uncountable glorious peak moments (inner and outer, personal and relational) and the overall sense that I'd rather "fail" going along my own way than "succeed" going alone theirs.

My prayer and intentions are very clear: peace and love and freedom and wellness and joy and humor and entirely positive co-evolution from here to .....well, yes, to eternity. This is just me and the tune that my strange wandering jig dances to.

And then there's the daily living of the journey from here to there....or the exploration of the ever unfolding herenow which floats, in my case, half upon the let-go and silence of a zenlike acceptance of however this moment arises and the other half upon and heart-filled river of warm hope, constantly flowing and following the gravity towards Home.

....or something like that.

And you?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ah the French LOVE Americans!

Ah the French LOVE Americans!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Viva la contrast!

My French brother Emmanuel just found the paradoxical nature of American life really amazing. During the same week that g-bush was killing innocent Iraqis in the name of ....well, you know.....Emm and I were lazily exploring the wonders of beautiful (zany) northern California.

This shot is just classic: the Americans loved Emm....but the chicks were just animals with him!


Friday, October 22, 2004

Gotta Do IT!

Gotta Do IT!
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

PS: You KNOW she's a Kerry-Girl!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Look george,
WE THE PEOPLE you are taxing, jailing, lying to and killing in your war are the same people you depend on...

- We cook your meals.

- We haul your trash.

- We suffer your smirk.

- We connect your calls.

- We drive your ambulances.

...WE guard you while you sleep.

Do not fuck with us.

***I am David's nearing breaking point***
((thanks Tyler for this righteous crib))


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

* * *
Sun left her signature
Under my bed
I tried to pick it up
and failed three times
I called out for your help
You came
And lifted
From golden flame
Of sundawn.

8 June 2003

 to us

* * *

Magical Martscha

Magical Martscha
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

GIRL POWER has found their campaign leader for Poland! This amazing sprite of human is a whirlwind of creative energy, curiosity and bravery.

Dasha and I just love being around her....
-watching how she cares for the little "monsters", Natan and Stashik
-taking her up on invites to tour her room and see what new wonders of art or mechanics of redecoration have transformed her roof-side perch.

Martscha dear,
We see how much you miss your dad, how much you love and long to be with him so far away in New York. We see how much your mom struggles to be everything for you without him there. Have faith honey. Forgive all us adults and our half-made world and hurting, searching, wandering..... hearts.

We love and believe and give thanks that you are. We delight in your ever visit and feel a preciousness and shared responsibility for your young happiness that you can not yet know.

Shine on and on and on...

We love you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Stairway to.......WHERE?

Stairway to.......WHERE?
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

*swearing to himself that the first lighter waving overhead or shout for "FREEBIRD!" and he's OUTTA here!"

Friday, October 15, 2004

Home away from Om... (a plant rant)

I live here.
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I grant no human being the right, power, or authority to determine, define or in anyway control or legislate my relationships to organic nature.

Those who historically and currently presume to (and activly) do so stand in opposition to a most basic human right of yours and mine.

Any opposition to this most basic right is a confession of both catastrophic ignorance and tragic estrangement (from the life-matrix in which all is arising, sustained and in due course sacrificed back into).

Note: those that oppose this basic human rights are, in fact, almost completely male home-sapiens and almost exclusively monotheists who find permission, justification, blessing even, from their, also (surprise, surprise) masculine, so-called "gods" to sublimate, commodify or kill nature, or the feminine, wherever their fear, greed or ignorance so moves. Further, almost all focused support for the negitive codification (or classifying as "illegal") of nature is driven by one of two motives: the motive to profit (i.e. pharmaceutical -vs- "herbal medicine", petrochemical industries -vs- hemp) or the motive to congnitive(mind/emotion) control (i.e. entheogenic plants, fungi, etc. which awaken/deepen perceptual/cognitive capacity, dissolve conceptual/cultural boundaries, etc. -vs- cultural/political/religious/economic propaganda).

This is YOUR life.
This is YOUR earth.
How you explore the mystery of everything "outer" is YOUR sacred exoteric adventure and basic human right.
How you explore the mystery of everything "inner" is YOUR sacred esoteric adventure and basic human right.
As long as you do no harm to others in the adventure of your explorations, both inner and outer, you have the right to do so without question or conflict with the artifice of any other human's judgment, dissension or supposition of superior authority.

The same MEN who divided up your outer world, seek to also divide up your inner world.

If you feel, in ANY WAY, not at home in their "brave new world" return to the magic and wonder of nature and your prior intimacy with Her.

You are not a commodity.
You are not a vote.
You are not a Government ID number.
You are not a tax payer.
You are not a world health statistic.
You are not a TV radiation receptacle.
You are not who your parents defined you as.
You are not who your schools educated you to be.

You are part of a great wondrous Mystery which is alive, bright, mult-dimentional, evolving, passionate, creative, free, .....and in every way every way calling you home.

May you, exactly YOU personally, for all of our sake, be deeply merged with and empowered by the organic Earth matrix by Who's Grace our very life, this very moment and your ever brighter next possible insight, opening, awakening is given to be.

The Vaults of Erowid (and She) await you


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

...Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Every (good) Thief...

Tribute to Amilie (and Grandma N!)
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

...Wishes to be Caught!

Ok, so its not MY idea (thanks Amelia!) but it sure has been fun... This little guy, once successfully kidnapped from my Grandma's garden last year, has been a blast to tote around this crazy big world. Though not always been easy to keep him on his "M' Saltines-n-Guinness diet" (like the nutty Koalas and their fussy insistence on Eucalyptus leaves (and Twinkies)), this wayward gnome of hers makes the most surreal of travelogue models, a perfect accent to any photo that would otherwise be just too cliche' (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Kremlin, Nameste'ing Ronald at Bangkok McDonalds....and other such destination standbys).

One day one of my family will actually visit this nutty photo-driven digital rant of mine and, I am hoping, tell my beloved Grandma about this silly testament of my devotion to her smiles, our joy in making her giggle.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Catholic Left

The Catholic Left
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Wandering this picturesque town in northern Poland my buddy Claudios a couple of weeks ago now. We passed a beautiful old mill and stream running through a part of the "old town" and he let me into the "meeting hall" that had been one of the epicenters of the Solidarity movement... a place where L. Walesa he often spoke.....a meetings that eventually tipped the scales of political power and collective will, changes that eventually became the fall of the Berlin wall and eastern European "comunism".

Never had seen or felt such a mix of church and grass-roots politics....a Catholic church no less.

Well, as they say, even a broken clock is right 2x/day.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

OxanAnanda Luv

OxanAnanda Luv
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Sometimes just to watch is magic enough.

Two great old friends enjoying a sweet reunion.

Our sister Oxana....
still dancing her way
to Ukrainian vibe
home away from hom

And still our invitation
for her to run away
come and play
will have to wait....

for now.

My Personal Hero

My Personal Hero
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Since I have never been any good at doing anything "their" way (yes, my folks really tried,...just ask I have had to haunt the alternative archives of all human possibility, run the stranger edges of secret society's after-party confessions to find some shining few I could, given the apparent unavoidability of this strange trajectory called "my way", look up to. And well,,...... here he is!

You don't laugh at my Deity Of Choice (that's PC for "my own personal jesus") and i won't laugh at yours, ok?


Thursday, October 07, 2004

Black Forrest - White Light - Green Redemption

Marble and Magic
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

My brothers' work
deep as their stone is hard
...brilliance in what is hit
...magic in what is left

My brothers' play
deep as their grass is high
...flowering beyond all permission
...fragrantly framing marble's hiden bust

My brothers are
deep as their hearts are wide
....feeling me now remembering them
....longing for home and wondering when

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Originally uploaded by Anantya.

Often the places inbetween are the vaule of the journey, no?

Been here?

Then you know what I mean.

Young Republicans Speak Out

Ah These New Democrats
Originally uploaded by Anantya.

I sent a right-wing leaning friend of mine an article questioning whether g.bush's emotional "health" (lack of empathy, appropriate remorse, sincerity, humility... etc.) and he barked back a terse and biting rebuff about preferring someone who can "think" to someone who can "feel" when it comes to the leader of his country.

His "either or" viewpoint reminds me of another propaganda ("clear") channel that claims to be "Fair and Balanced" but,....dont make me go THERE pleeeease!


Hmm....Anyway, with over 130 million adult americans potentially available for consideration for the office of President would it be too much to ask for the candidates to be required to posses both the HIGHEST levels of academic qualification AND if not the same degree of proven emotional well-being at least not be taking psychotropic pharmaceuticals for emotional imbalance?


PS: ...couldn't help myself